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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finding Work and XXX

Originally uploaded by Bob B. Brown
Yesterday I got hired back by Quality Food Centers. I will be working in the bakery again, which is very exciting for me because I love the Bakery ladies. I am very excited to get back into the swing of things and look forward to working there this summer. I will begin this next weekend with 24 hours of work, (Fri, Sat, Sun,) and I will probably continue that weekend trend up until summer begins.

The family and I also journeyed to the east side of Washington on Friday. The parents and sisters were going to a wedding and I asked to be dropped off in Ellensburg to hang out with my lovely, Kelsey. So they agreed to do such a marvelous act. We stopped at XXX root beer and burgers in Issaquah. Such delicious root beer has never been tasted by these taste buds before.

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