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Sunday, May 16, 2010


This weekend was really spectacular, especially Saturday. Saturday morning started out like every single other, with the opening of my shut eyes. Kelsey and I decided that we wanted to hang out with Tommy and Savannah, so we met up with them for lunch. Savannah and Tommy invited us to go along with them to Yakima for Savannah's brother's soccer tournament. We accepted the invitation and were on our way to the said location. We ran into Tony the Tiger at the event as well as watched Savannah's little brothers run around and be rambunctious. We decided that when we got back to CWU that we were going to have a movie marathon or something similar to that. We watched Madagascar 2 and Anchorman. Some closing thoughts that were somewhat interesting to me on this day were the importance of film in our culture. Movies have an interesting way of connecting with an audience for two hours and then abandoning them. I wonder if watching movies has an any correlation with abandonment of friends or family. We are so used to the constant flow of entertainment it almost seems like when that doesn't translate with friends and family we are more often than not going to spend less time with that person. Why do we love or lust for entertainment?

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