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Monday, May 24, 2010

Alternative Universe for Basketball

On Sunday I worked all day and began to think of weird things that I could do. The one I came up with was to create an alternative universe in which NBA teams knew the amount of potential each player had before drafting them. An example of this is during the 2000 draft, Michael Redd was drafted 43rd overall. In retrospect he should have been a top five pick. I decided I would create an alternative universe where I called the shots on who teams drafted and traded since the 1999-2000 season. I will also weigh how each team looks on paper and use that as a basis for their record. I will also factor in injuries and such that can occur. But this being an alternative universe the injuries that may have occurred in real life may not happen in this one. I will use a random number generator and other such devices to create alternatives injuries and statistics to a certain degree. A lot of this will also be my opinion on how I think players would perform amongst other players.

This is life without facebook, haha, I feel very creative...

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