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Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Well, yesterday was a real blast. It was mother's day, hints the title, so my sisters and my father made breakfast for my mother...they let me sleep...which I did not complain about. Then we went to church which was another fabulous Sermon from our interim pastor. For her day, my mother wanted us to work in the yard, so we did just that. I cut down too many blackberry bushes, while the sisters did some weeding. Sapi began to limp on her paw yesterday. The poor girl was not herself at all yesterday...She moped around, and eventually quit walking on the paw all together...

Anyway, Sapi slept on the lawn while we worked in the yard. Then the whole family began playing tether-ball together. It was a lot of fun though some cheat...maybe I am just a sore loser. Watching mom and dad play was pretty fun too. We went to Five Guys for burgers and fries in Marysville on our way up to Bellingham. Overall, I really enjoyed my Mother's Day with the family.

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