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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Linguistics Mid-term

Instead of doing my homework right now, I have decided to spill about my day, yesterday. Well, first and foremost I had a Linguistics Midterm which was just so thrilling. It isn't a simple linguistics class either...it is a 300-level English class that introduces too many ideas and expects us to recall everything. Frustration runs through my veins as a clench my teeth as scribble this entry. I am just upset with the facet of knowledge that I could not find during the test...Overall, I feel like it went alright...But, time will tell...

For the multimedia purposes of yesterday, I am going to put a clip up of Noam Chomsky. A very interesting linguist.

It is just funny seeing Ali G interviewing such a high intellect. This is satire by the way...

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