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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Toy Story 2

My parents had Wayne and Pam over last night and cooked some delicious food that I was able to eat after I got off work.

Kelsey came over and we ventured into a VHS classic. Toy Story 2. We are very excited to see the third movie now after watching both of the previous movies in the series...Well...That was pretty much my day besides working...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Because I am lazy...

I am skipping until today..
I baked so many cookies today it was ridiculous. I think I baked, let me count, 24 cookies per tray, about 15 trays per cart and we did three carts...So...too many cookies...

That was basically my day, and yesterday my sweetie came home from Central so I was enthralled about that.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nom Nom

panera bread
Originally uploaded by poldee
Yesterday my mother and I went to Panera Brread at the Alderwood Mall. I forgot how delicious this place was!

I am back to working full-time now at Quality Food Center. Which is fairly exciting...
I received a call from Costco on Monday offering me a job in their deli, but I had to decline since I am working at QFC and Griot's Garage now...
Next Friday I have my training for Griot's!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mass Media Law Final...

I had an 8 am final on Monday morning....It was an extremely difficult final but I feel that I did alright....Not an A+ but I am hoping that I managed a B.

Embarrassing moment for the day: I gave Ryan my key so that he can  feed my fish this summer, but then I realized I couldn't get into my apartment because Matthew was not awake yet...So, I had to find a way to contact Ryan because I left my cell phone in the apartment....It worked out.

Griot's Garage: I went down to Griot's upon leaving Bellingham for a job interview. I got hired pending a drug test that I must take, which I will pass. I will be working events and occasional working during the week.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Studying....with a Chonga Bagel

Bagel Time.
Originally uploaded by eli is ok
Yesterday was a day full of studying for my mass media law final and writing a paper for my English linguistics class. I decided that my apartment was not the greatest place to think and study. I went to the Starbucks in Sehome Village to see how I would do in the coffeehouse scene. I ordered a Chonga Bagel and it was extremely delicious. I had never ordered one before so I was extremely pleased with how it turned out.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nikon makes me have empty pockets....

I shoot Nikon and I love it. But, sometimes I feel that I should be shooting Canon because so many other people shoot Canon and try and sell their older gear...which as a college student I could pick up at a reasonable price...
Here is the lens that I would really like to get....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

GTA San Andreas

First off let me tell you that I laughed a little bit when I typed that title. So, I started playing GTA San Andreas the other day and I realized that I liked this title the best out all the ones available. I just liked the idea that you were a gangsta rather than a gangster I supposed. Anyway, that was just my little blurb about that...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Marvel versus Capcom 3

Roel showed me this video yesterday. I am quite excited about this game.

This game cannot come out soon enough. This is a game that I definitely would like to get.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ethics Audit

Yesterday I had an audit presentation in my ethics class. Here is what I did.

The balance of coverage amongst the sporting world is rarely look at in an ethical debate. However, I decided to look at how the two biggest events in two sports occurring at the same time were covered by two different publications. The events I looked at were the NBA Playoffs and the NHL Playoffs, whic are respectively their sporting organizations biggest events of the season. I wanted to look at how the Seattle Times covered each even t but I also wanted some data points to compare that to. I decided that I would look at Sports Illustrated to see how they also covered the two events over the span of a month.

The graph below shows how likely each publication is to publish a story of the NBA playoffs rather than the NHL.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bad Jon

I have been really bad about posting stuff about my day the last week or so. I need to be doing more with this blog because I feel like it is something that I can look back on later and see just what I was thinking or was doing on a certain occasion. So, I am retitling this blog Project 365 +/- . I feel like that is a much better name.